Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quartzsite Chili Cook-Off Rules & Entry Form

Quartzsite Chili Cook-Off February 26, 2011

Proceeds benefit the Arizona Centennial of Quartzsite!
(This is NOT CASI sanctioned event).
This Chili Cook-Off is for FUN and great prizes, too!

All contestants must PROMISE TO HAVE FUN!

Entry Forms and Participant Waiver Forms must be received no later than Feb. 23, 2011. Entry fees are: $10 for Chili Cook-Off, $10 for Salsa Challenge, or $15 for both.
Make checks payable to Town of Quartzsite with “Chili” in the memo field.

AWARDS: Three (3) Chili People’s Choice – Cash Awards
Three (3) Best Salsa Awards
Best Booth Presentation of Theme “Miners Style”


1. Each contestant must prepare a minimum of 3 GALLONS OF CHILI for tasting by the people. We encourage making more!

2. Winner of the People's Choice Award will be based on the ballots turned in by the people.

3. Set up of your assigned area must be complete and chili ready to serve the public by 12 noon sharp!

4. Quartzsite Chili Cook-Off will provide biodegradable tasting cups, spoons, napkins, and voting tickets for the public. The committee also will provide a 1-oz ladle & ballet box for the contestants.

5. A listing of ingredients used to make the chili must be displayed (quantities don’t need to be included).

6. Each contestant must have CURRENT La Paz County FOOD HANDLERS Card.

7. Please provide your own bleach bucket, tables, shade, ingredients, meat thermometer, and signs.

8. Chili may contain beans or other fillers. (but no dirt)

9. MEAT MAY NOT BE PRE- COOKED, in any manner. All other ingredients must be chopped or prepared during the preparation period. No ingredient may be pre-cooked in any way prior to the commencement of the official cook-off. The only exceptions are canned or bottled tomatoes, tomato sauce, peppers, pepper sauce, beans, broth and grinding and/or mixing of spices. Meat may be treated, pre-cut or ground. ABSOLUTELY NO CANNED CHILI!

10. All chili must be cooked from “scratch” on site the day of the cook-off. All chili must be prepared in the open (no cooking in motor homes, etc.).

11. “Scratch” is defined as starting with raw meat. No marinating is allowed.

12. Cooks may be required to taste their own chili.


1. All salsa will be prepared on site. Each contestant must make a minimum of TWO QUARTS of salsa for tasting. Preparations may begin anytime after 7am. It might be a good idea to have some chips when people taste your creation.

2. Quartzsite Chili Cook-Off will provide tasting cups, spoons, napkins, and voting tickets for the public. The committee also will provide a 1-oz ladle & ballet box for the contestants.

3. There are no rules as to the ingredients or how to prepare your Salsa.

4. A listing of ingredients used to make the salsa must be displayed (quantities don’t need to be included).

5. Each contestant must have CURRENT La Paz County FOOD HANDLERS Card.

6. Please provide your own bleach bucket, tables, shade, ingredients, and signs.


Keeping with the Arizona Centennial Celebration, this year’s theme is “Miners’ Style”!
Get creative! Bring costumes, decorations, signs, etc. and win prizes!

Showmanship, like chili, must be in good taste and is judged on the following five criteria:
- Theme
- Costume
- Booth Set up
- Action
- Audience Appeal
Showmanship judges will remain anonymous to everyone during the judging.


To Download the rules, entry form and waiver
 click HERE

1 comment:

  1. Eating is really one of my hobby i mean part of my life and cooking is my passion. I also love going to a place and at the same time taste their delicious and most wanted food.I want to taste something that is new to my palate. Thanks for sharing your article with us.


